- Data Visualization in Power BI
- Introduction to DAX in Power BI
- Introduction to Power BI
- Working with the OpenAI API
- Data Scientist with Python
- Case Study: School Budgeting with Machine Learning in Python
- Introduction to Deep Learning in Python
- Unsupervised Learning in Python
- Introduction to Shell
- Conda Essentials
- Supervised Learning with scikit-learn
- Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 2)
- Introduction to Network Analysis in Python
- Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh
- Introduction to Data Visualization in Python
- Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL
- Joining Data in SQL
- Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)
- Fraud Detection with Python
- Intro to SQL for Data Science
- Merging DataFrames with pandas
- Python Programmer Track
- Introduction to Databases in Python
- Manipulating DataFrames with pandas
- Intro to Python for Finance
- pandas Foundations
- Cleaning Data in Python
- Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree
- Introduction to Big Data
- Importing Data in Python 2
- Importing Data in Python 1
- Python Data Science Toolbox 2
- Python Data Science Toolbox 1
- Intermediate Python for Data Science
- Intro to Python
- Machine Learning
- DAT206x: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Excel
- Using Python to Access Web Data
- Using Databases with Python
- Python Data Structures
- Getting Started with Python